2022 Small Grant Winners


Before the holidays each year, the North Memorial Health Foundation’s Board of Directors comes together for a very important purpose—to discuss the internal projects recommended by our team members for small grant support.

These projects highlight the passion, dedication, and innovation of our teams. Taking the time to apply for a grant, and doing the work to put together the application, is not a requirement of their jobs but they still take the time and effort to do the extra work—because they want to provide the best experience possible for their patients and their loved ones.

We are excited to announce the following grant projects for 2022

  • Emerging Leaders Program Pilot
    This award will help develop curriculum for our new Emerging Leaders Program (ELP). The goal of the first-year cohort is to help retain, develop, and advance our team members of color—resulting in a strong diverse workforce that is reflected not only within our community and team member population, but also in our team leader and senior leader positions.
  • Lunch and Learn Series
    This program will continue in 2022, helping our team members with topics such as coping with their pandemic grief, learning how to forgive ourselves for situations that were out of our control and DEI topics.
  • Perinatal Bereavement
    Grief support and memory-making items will allow all families experiencing the loss of an infant to honor and love the child they have lost.
  • NICU Family Support
    Families with limited resources whose babies are born early or who are critically ill will have access to transportation assistance and food support.
  • Post-Partum Hypertension Pilot
    Women at risk for pregnancy and post-partum blood pressure complications will receive education materials and supplies such as a blood pressure cuff, helping them to monitor their own health and seek medical care when needed.
  • Epidural Positioning Device
    This device will help our team ensure quick and safe epidural placement as painlessly as possible at the hospital with the highest number of deliveries in Minnesota—Maple Grove Hospital!
  • Bereavement Pilot
    Our team will launch a new initiative to share grief support resources with families who experience a loss at North Memorial Health Hospital.
  • Discharge Basic Needs
    Clothing, shoes and hygiene kits will be purchased for patients who need them when leaving North Memorial Health Hospital.
  • Bariatric Table and Hoyer Lift
    Our Specialty Clinics will use this new equipment to expand access to the care they provide—reaching even more members of our community with outstanding, supportive care.
  • Junior Volunteer Scholarships
    Awards will support higher education for youth who have been dedicated to volunteering at our hospital—many of whom will become our future healthcare workforce!
  • Translation Software
    This technology solution will help ensure all our patients understand their diagnosis and care instruction by supporting interpreter services as they translate medical information quickly and accurately.
  • Job Fair iPads
    These technology tools will help our HR team quickly find the best and brightest talent to join our team during recruiting events.

To help decide where the greatest needs are within our system, the Foundation’s Board of Directors look to the experts: our team members. Each year, our care teams are invited to identify pressing needs they see every day in their work and share solutions they believe would be most helpful. In response to these needs, the Foundation Board awards small grants to support the projects in the coming year.