North Memorial Health Hospice Program

With more than 35 years of experience in hospice, our approach is to create a customized experience that empowers our patients to make choices that match their goals, beliefs and values.

Request a free consultation

To learn more about our hospice program, request a complimentary consultation. A hospice coordinator will contact you within 1-2 days of receiving your request.

For immediate requests, please call 763-581-9398.

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Choosing North Memorial Health for your hospice care means:

  • Your care will be tailored to your needs and wishes.
  • You’ll receive support physically, emotionally and spiritually. We also help with medication, supplies and relationships.
  • We provide spiritual and grief counseling, social services, health aides and integrative therapies including music therapy, reiki, or aromatherapy.
  • We support caregivers with education and skill training.
  • We offer grief support groups, classes and memorial services.
  • You’ll be in the care of a hospice program that ranks above national benchmarks for overall care and willingness to recommend our care to others.
Care team member with patient