Post-Heart Attack Depression: What You Need to Know Now

After you’ve suffered a heart attack, you can also struggle with a lesser-known, but fairly common condition: depression or anxiety, sometimes known as broken-heart syndrome. February is American Heart Month,…

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Things to do in Minnesota in Winter

There’s no better time to be with our loved ones than the holidays, but too often, snow and cold weather seems to limit our winter activities to the indoors. And…

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10 Ways to Handle Holiday-Season Stress

Bells start to jingle, the flakes start to fly, and stores start to shine: It’s holiday season! The trick is to catch the spirit of the season without the stress.…

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Simple Steps to Prevent and Manage Type II Diabetes

The numbers are here, and it couldn’t be clearer: Americans have a blood-sugar problem. One in three people have either pre-diabetes or diabetes. That’s about 86 million people—and many more…

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How Complementary Therapies Ease Cancer Treatment Symptoms

When you have cancer, you’re much more than your diagnosis. But your life may quickly become filled with life-defining choices and experiences because of it. That’s why your treatment plan…

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The Pursuit of Sport: How Body Image May Be Affecting Your Athlete

As we settle in to the school year, you may be cursing your kids’ sports schedules: Chauffeuring here, carpooling there, what time were you supposed to pick up your daughter…

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