North Memorial Health Sleep Center – Maple Grove
13800 83rd Way N. Suite 102
Maple Grove, MN 55369

North Memorial Health Sleep Center – Maple Grove
Grove Square Professional Building13800 83rd Way N. Suite 102
Maple Grove, MN 55369
Main Phone: 763-581-5050
Sleep studies are available 7 nights a week.
Free parking is conveniently located right outside our front door.
Welcome to a Better Night's Sleep
With accreditation through the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and as a Center of Excellence for Upper Airway Stimulation (Inspire®), the North Memorial Health Sleep Center is here every day—and every evening!—doing our best work to help you get the sleep of your dreams. Just ask the more than 96 percent of our patients who would recommend us to others.
Rooms and Lodging
This is one medical laboratory that feels more like a spa than a clinic. Our warm, spacious and inviting rooms are bariatric-certified and offer adjustable beds, fans and white-noise machines. You also have private bathroom/shower facilities for your comfort.
- Each room has a private bath and shower.
- Adjustable beds, fans and white-noise machines.
- Enjoy complimentary food and beverages upon arrival.
- Cable TV and free Wi-Fi available in each room.
- Aromatherapy is available on site.
- Sedatives, when needed, can be prescribed in advance of your visit.
Preparing for Your Visit
To help fit your schedule, most sleep studies conclude by 6:30 a.m.the following morning of your appointment.
Please note: Some sleep studies (MSLT) will last until approximately 5 p.m. the following day. We provide lunch in those instances.
- Bring any prescription medications with you and be prepared to take these as normal. Do NOT discontinue any prescription medications prior to your sleep study, unless directed by your physician. The Sleep Center staff cannot provide any medications to you and do not have any medication available on site. If your sleep specialist prescribed a sedative, please bring it with you and your sleep technologist will let you know the appropriate time to take it. Sleeping aids will not compromise your test results and are commonly prescribed to help you ensure a successful study.
- If your physician did not give you a prescription for a sedative and you are concerned you may not be able to sleep, we encourage you to call your physician to request a prescription, or you can bring an over-the-counter sleep aid.
- Please complete any forms you received and bring them to your sleep study appointment. If you need assistance completing the forms, our team is happy to assist you when you arrive.
- Do not consume caffeine or nap the day of your sleep study, as this can impact results.
- Hair pieces/wigs/weaves will need to be removed for your sleep study in order to more easily place monitors on your scalp and monitor brain wave activity.
- Please shave your beard if it is long, as wires need to be placed on the chin area.
- At least one fingernail needs to be free of polish and/or acrylic so we can accurately monitor blood oxygen saturations.
- Please do not bring or put on any facial creams, lotions or night cream as it may interfere with the testing equipment.
- You will need to bring something comfortable to sleep in. The Sleep Center has several pillow options to select from, but you may bring your own pillow from home.
- You may also want to bring personal items that will make you feel comfortable, such as your tablet, laptop, book, or phone.
Interpreter Services
We offer support options for deaf, hard of hearing, language assistance and translation services. These services are all free of charge and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for patients at North Memorial Health.
Care Team
Our highly trained experts empower you with the knowledge and the support you need to get the healthcare you want.
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