The Power of Positive Thinking

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Trainer, North Memorial Health March 30, 2017
Woman training

Internal inspiration equals external results. This is the motto I live by. If you believe in yourself and practice positive thinking and affirmations, you will receive external gratification. For example, if you are trying to lose weight but you keep telling yourself, “I can’t lose weight,” that’s what will happen. Internal inspiration is where a healthy you begins. You need to believe in yourself in order to have positive, healthy results.

A person I trained for about two months began to say, “Julie, I am not losing any weight. Why isn’t this working?” I just kept reminding her to focus on her daily accomplishments rather than getting overwhelmed by her overall goal. So she changed her mindset and she lost over 20 pounds. But more importantly, she feels good about herself.

This positive thinking is all about using positive affirmations. These are short, positive statements that you can repeat regularly to yourself or leave around on cards where you will see them.

Positive affirmations must:

  • Always be positive
  • Be in present tense
  • State your intentions or wants
  • Be brief so you can remember and repeat

Many times we try to remake the external world around us, forgetting that the place we have most influence is in our own lives.

Imagine that you are running your first 5K race. You have never done this before and you want to finish. You want to prove to yourself you can finish without walking. You start running and at the same time keep repeating in your mind, “I can do it, I can do it.” You keep thinking and believing that you are going to complete the race without walking. What are you actually doing? You are repeating positive affirmations. By thinking “I can do it,” you are also visualizing the finish line and how good it will feel to complete your first 5K.

By using creative visualization consciously, you can affect your subconscious mind and thereby transform your habits, behavior, mental attitude and reactions, and even reshape your external life. The power of affirmations can help you transform your life. By stating what you want to be true in your life, you mentally, emotionally, and physically see and feel it as true, regardless of your current circumstances, and thereby attract it into your life.


Here are some positive affirmations for you to use:

  • I am healthy and happy.
  • Wealth is pouring into my life.
  • My body is healthy and functioning in a very good way.
  • I have a lot of energy.
  • I study and comprehend fast.
  • My mind is calm.
  • I am calm and relaxed in every situation.
  • My thoughts are under my control.
  • I radiate love and happiness.
  • I am surrounded by love.
  • I have the perfect job for me.
  • I am living in the house of my dreams.
  • I have good and loving relations with my wife/husband.
  • I have a wonderful and satisfying job.
  • I have the means to travel abroad, whenever I want to.
  • I am successful in whatever I do.
  • Everything is getting better every day.
  • I am getting better every day in every way.

When you share your positive mood and positive experience, both you and those around you enjoy an emotional boost.

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