Creating a Self Care Routine During Covid-19

During the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s often easy to lose track of time – since for many of us, our daily schedule and commute have been replaced by being quarantined at…

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The Power of Positive Thinking: 5 Ways You Can Practice Positivity

We’re constantly looking to external sources for our well-being, but we forget about the incredible resource we have internally – our mindset! The link between having a positive attitude and…

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6 Self-Care Tips for Holding Your Ground

While we all are doing our best to slow the spread of COVID-19, each day that passes brings with it additional worry, stress, and dread about what’s to come. As…

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Care in a Crisis: Behavioral Healthcare Providers

In recent years, the providers at Maple Grove Hospital have seen an increase in the number of patients with a mental health concern, specifically in the Emergency Care Center. When…

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Post-Heart Attack Depression: What You Need to Know Now

After you’ve suffered a heart attack, you can also struggle with a lesser-known, but fairly common condition: depression or anxiety, sometimes known as broken-heart syndrome. February is American Heart Month,…

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The Pursuit of Sport: How Body Image May Be Affecting Your Athlete

As we settle in to the school year, you may be cursing your kids’ sports schedules: Chauffeuring here, carpooling there, what time were you supposed to pick up your daughter…

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