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How can I contact the 24/7 Call Center & Nurse Line?

Please call: 763-581-CARE

Our customer service representatives and nurses are available for anyone, anytime, to help schedule an appointment and answer health-related questions.

How can I contact a patient at North – Robbinsdale Hospital or North – Maple Grove Hospital?

North – Robbinsdale Hospital
Please call our main line at 763-520-5200 and ask for the patient by first and last name. You will be connected to the patient’s room.

North – Maple Grove Hospital
Please call our main line at 763-581-1000 and ask for the patient by first and last name. You will be connected to the patient’s room.

How can I schedule a primary care clinic appointment?

You can make an appointment online or you may also call 763-581-CARE (2273) for more information about how you can find a primary care provider at North Memorial Health.
Make an Appointment

How can I arrange to see a specialist at North Memorial Health?

If your insurance provider allows you to visit a specialist without a referral from a primary care doctor, you can search providers to learn what their process is to schedule an appointment.
Search our care options and services

How can I schedule a vaccine appointment?
Who should I contact with a question about a bill I received?

If you have a question about a bill, please call 763-581-4480 or 866-358-2644.

What payment methods are accepted at North Memorial Health hospitals and clinics?

Effective July 2024, accepted payment methods at North Memorial Health hospitals and clinics include personal checks and payment cards (debit, credit, HSA, FSA and pre-paid). Cash payments can only be accepted at the North Memorial Health Business Office, 3500 France Ave, Ste. 106, Robbinsdale, MN 55422 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

What is paperless billing?

Paperless billing statements are electronic billing statements sent through MyChart. North Memorial Health transitioned patients with a MyChart account to paperless billing in March 2023. If you have a MyChart account, you’ll be notified of new billing statements through email and MyChart, no longer via mail. Only those with a MyChart account can receive electronic statements. Learn more about paperless billing

How can I learn more about careers and working at North Memorial Health?

General information and job openings can be found by visiting our careers page.
Learn more about career opportunities

What volunteer opportunities are available at North Memorial Health?

Information about volunteering at North Memorial Health and volunteer applications are available on our volunteers page.
Learn more about volunteer opportunities

Do you accept my health insurance?

We participate in many public and private insurance networks and will bill any insurance provider. However, since even single insurance companies can offer many different levels of coverage, we encourage everyone to contact their insurance company to find out if North Memorial Health is included their particular network. Contact phone numbers are often found on your insurance card or your insurance website.

How do I get a copy of my medical records?
How can I obtain a copy of a birth certificate?

Questions about birth certificates should be directed to the Hennepin County Government Center. Call 612-348-8240.

What are the benefits of using MyChart?

Using MyChart puts you in the driver’s seat for your healthcare. Use MyChart to:

  • Check-in and schedule appointments online
  • Do an E-Visit
  • Message with your care team
  • Pay a medical bill or sign up for a payment plan
  • Receive paperless billing statements
  • Get a cost estimate
  • Request prescription refills
  • Check your symptoms
  • View test results and much more
How can I get help with MyChart?

For questions about MyChart registration or to resolve lockouts, please call your clinic for assistance.

Access MyChart
Search our clinic locations

Who should I contact with questions about patient care?

If you have questions or concerns regarding the quality of care you received at one of our facilities, please contact a Patient Representative.

  • North – Robbinsdale Hospital: 763-581-0780, available Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • North – Maple Grove Hospital: 763-581-1025, available Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Clinics, Urgent Care, Urgency Center, Ambulance and Air Care Services: 763-581-4654