Jonathan D. McCue, MD
This provider is an independent provider, not an employee of North Memorial Health, who practices/provides services at some North Memorial Health locations.
Approach To Care
Dr. McCue provides complete information to patients, explaining all treatment options, including the option of no treatment. He practices evidence-based medicine, adhering to therapies that are proven to work, and avoiding those that may only add cost.
He thoroughly educates each patient, knowing it is important that the patient fully understands what is happening and why, at all times. Dr. McCue follows the highest ethical standards of medical practice.
Dr. McCue has authored 13 scientific papers, three book chapters and 17 abstracts, including articles and textbook chapters on implant-based reconstructive surgery, one of his special interests.
- Bachelor’s Degree in Greek and Roman History – Tufts University, Boston
- Medical Degree – Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons, NYC
- Surgery Residency – University of Minnesota
- Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Residency – University of Minnesota
- Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery
Accepted Insurance
All North Memorial Health providers accept the following insurance carriers. Because health insurance plan payments vary and benefit levels are unique to each plan, you may confirm out of pocket cost with your insurance carrier by calling the number on the back of your insurance card.
- Aetna
- Blue Cross
- HealthPartners
- Medica
- Medical Assistance
- Medicaid
- Medicare
- Ucare
- UnitedHealthcare